Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Concept Map - Essential Oils

I have chosen to explore 'essential oils' with the concept map project.

I have found the process of going over and through the concepts and their relationships to be a helpful mental exercise that reveals to me, more than anything, how little detail I really know about any one subject. Upon doing some research, I find an immense amount of detailed information about the subject that could be added to my concept map. It seems as though the map could be potentially endless.

In the case of essential oils, I have basically stuck to what I know and have realized that they are a class of organic chemistry that can be used by anyone. They are relatively safe, non-toxic, and easy to make basic use of. While they are often used in aromatherapy, they have a variety of applications ranging from household cleaning, to insecticides, to perfumes, to hygiene products, to food enhancers (spices).

I really enjoy exploring these substances, both experimentally/sensually and conceptually.

1 comment:

Blogzilla said...

Hey Brown Rabbit,
I enjoyed your concept map! I found the same thing...I could have made it much bigger and much more detailed.